
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fashion Trends: When did sunglasses become popular?

Although the Roman Emperor Nero wore polished gems when watching gladiator fights, the earliest reference of sunglasses as we know them came from the courts of 12th century China. There, smoky quartz lenses were used to shield the facial expressions of judges when they questioned witnesses. A similar style was seen in Italy in the 1400s - also used in court.

In the 1750s, James Asycough tested tinted lenses which he hoped would aid certain vision problems. Glare protection was still not a concern at this stage.

Towards the 20th century, sunglasses became more popular, especially amongst film stars who wore them to protect their eyes from bright stage lights.
This popularity was aided by Sam Foster who began production of cheap sunglasses in 1929. These cheaper glasses were popular with beachgoers in New Jersey.

Army Air Corps commissioned Bausch and Lomb to design an efficient spectacle that would protect pilots from high altitude glare.

In 1936, Edwin H Land began testing his patented Polaroid filter on sunglasses.
Sunglasses really gained popularity during World War II when Ray Bay started making Aviator style glasses. These became available to the public in 1937.

The 1960s 'Behind the Glass' Foster Grant campaign further introduced sunglasses to the public, portraying them as a chic, desirable accessory.